How to Earn by YouTube and it is business - Simple Ways to Make Money YouTube is one of the most visited websites in the whole world right now. This website is especially useful for those who love videos and...
One of the great advantages of social networks is that they are used for the marketing strategy of any business . It does not matter if you are the head of an international company or a local SME , or that you have a small budget for that campaign: in...
In recent years, the development of our sector has been unstoppable. Today there are countless schools and related training options and there are already many professionals with years of experience. But there is still a gap between the talent available and...
At the famous annual Facebook Marketing Summit 2019 event, held in the Netherlands,  Facebook  announced that  WhatsApp will have ads from 2020 . "WhatsApp will include advertising in its states from 2020," tweeted Olivier Ponteville, head of media at BeConnectAgency, who attended the event. To...
As technology advances, the preferences of millions of users in the use of social networks also. Depending on the influence it may be having, they are able to easily displace them. If you want to know which are the most used...
To be at the top of the search engine results (also in voice search results) it is necessary to know what the new rules of SEO positioning are. Among the new changes, the preference of users towards voice searches of...